Biohazard Cleanup - Steri-Clean® Oregon
Any biological or chemical substance that is considered hazardous to humans, animals, and/or the environment can be considered a biohazard. When death or trauma occurs in the home, business, or automobile, exposure to various biohazards left behind pose a significant health risk to the inhabitants. Biohazard cleanup remediation requires proper cleanup, disinfection, and waste disposal. Steri-Clean® Oregon is a team of highly trained biohazard cleanup experts and we are here to restore a safe environment for you.
Biohazard Cleanup Services
When blood, bodily fluids, or chemicals are left behind following an accident or trauma, they can result in situations that can become potentially hazardous. It is imperative to remediate these situations as soon as possible, and it is not recommended to try and do so on your own. If not properly cleaned and disinfected, the potential dangers may remain. Bio-hazardous waste is any waste containing possibly infectious substances, and will also need to be properly disposed of to avoid health risks to the general public. Steri-Clean® Oregon uses EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) approved disinfectants and follows state health and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) procedures to ensure your property is safe to inhabit.
Steri-Clean® Oregon has the tools, skills, and expertise to handle a variety of biohazard situations, including:
Animal waste clean up
Crime scene clean up
Police & civil cleanup
Decomposition clean up
Fingerprint clean up
Hoarding clean up
Homeless camp clean up
Odor removal
Pest cleanup
Suicide cleanup
Superbug cleanup
Teargas cleanup
Blood cleanup
We understand that many biohazard situations present themselves with no warning, so our team is on call 24 hours, 7 days a week. We understand that your situation may be sensitive, and we are compassionate, discreet and considerate in all biohazard cases.
We work closely with most major insurance companies to ensure proper biohazard removal and disinfection of your home, business, or automobile with little to no out-of-pocket cost.
If you need assistance cleaning up a biohazard, call Steri-Clean® Oregon toll-free at (888) 577-7206 and we will send a cleanup team as soon as possible.